Occupational Safety, Health and
Environment at PMCZ

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Health & Safety

Occupational Safety, Health and Environment

The Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental portfolio was established at PMCZ in July 2017 at corporate level. Pursuant to the attainment of a robust and sustainable Safety, Health and Environment Management System (SHEMS), a SHE Policy was designed as prescribed by the International Organization for Standardization.

Safety & Health Committee

Towards championing the efficient and effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health at PMCZ, a SHE Committee was formulated from the respective departments and divisions. The committee administration is coordinated by the Human Resources Manager as the Chairperson, with a Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Committee members from each of the respective departments.

Social Dialogue – Management Commitment & Worker Participation

Team work has improved Safety and Health at PMCZ and that is management commitment and worker participation. Management have shown commendable commitment through the funding of personal protective equipment as well as approvals for awareness campaigns by external service providers.

Workers and their Representatives have been involved on the roadmap to achieving the world class safety standards by reporting hazards, incidences and near misses in their respective departments without fear of intimidation. The First Aiders are working tirelessly in attending to first aid cases and minor incidents.

Awareness Campaigns
Has one ever wondered why industries continue to suffer fatalities and serious injuries despite the technological advancement now available? It is because of ignorance to awareness. In order to attain the full worker participation and ensure a safe and healthy culture, various awareness campaigns were done. The awareness campaigns saw the launch of the Health and Safety slogan, which was adopted as;
“…Accident prevention, my number one intention”
The PMCZ SHE system is currently performing well as it has gone a long way in eliminating fatalities and preventing accidents. Safety rules have been enforced and hazards have decreased, a sign that work on the ground is effective. however, continuous improvement is being encouraged. On the whole, SHE issues have become so ingrained in our work practices such that PMCZ has become a safe working environment for our employees and contractors.